
May 5, 2014 (8:00 am–5:00 pm)
7:30–8:00 Registration

8:00-8:10 Welcome
Daniel Solomon, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Sciences
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC

8:10-8:15 Welcome
Warren Casey, PhD, DABT
National Toxicology Program (NTP) Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS),
Research Triangle Park, NC

8:15-8:30 Workshop Overview
Antonio Planchart, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC

OPENING SESSION (8:30–9:45am)
8:30-8:35 Introduction to Opening Session
8:35-9:00 Dan Villeneuve—Aquatic Models in Regulatory Testing for EPA
9:00-9:25 Jyotshnabala Kanungo—Using Aquatic Vertebrate Models at FDA
9:25-9:50 Matthew Winter—European Perspective on the Use of Aquatic Vertebrate Models

9:50–10:05 Break

SESSION 1 — Cardiovascular Toxicology (10:05am-12:10pm)
10:05-10:10 Introduction to Session 1
10:10-10:40 Maria Bondesson—University of Houston
10:40-11:10 Warren Heideman—University of Wisconsin
11:10-11:40 Dave Volz—University of South Carolina
11:40-12:10 Ken Poss—Duke University

12:10–1:20 LUNCH

SESSION 2 — Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (1:20-2:55pm)
1:20-1:25 Introduction to Session 2
1:25-1:55 Shawn Burgess—NIH
1:55-2:25 Mark Hahn—Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2:25-2:55 Nancy Denslow—University of Florida

2:55-3:15 Break

SESSION 3 — Emerging Technologies (3:15-5:20pm)
3:15-3:20 Introduction to Session 3
3:20-3:50 Keith Cheng—Penn State Hershey Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
3:50-4:20 Matthew Harris—Children’s Hospital Boston
4:20-4:50 David Reif—North Carolina State University
4:50-5:20 Rodolphe Barrangou—North Carolina State University

5:20-5:30 Day 1 Wrap Up

Sponsor Hosted Reception and Poster Session (6:30-8:30pm) North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.

May 6, 2014 (8:00 am–4:15 pm)
SESSION 4 —Models of Neurobehavior and Neurotoxicology (8:00-10:55am)
8:00-8:05 Introduction to Session 4
8:05-8:35 Michael Carvan—University of Wisconsin
8:35-9:05 Marc Ekker—University of Ottawa
9:05-9:35 Stephanie Padilla—US Environmental Protection Agency

9:35-9:55 Break

9:55-10:25 Andrew Rennekamp—Massachusetts General Hospital
10:25-10:55 Jeff Bronstein—University of California, Los Angeles

SESSION 5 — Predicting Alterations to the Immune System (10:55am-12:00pm)
10:55-11:00 Introduction to Session 5
11:00-11:30 Carol Kim—University of Maine
11:30-12:00 Jeff Yoder—North Carolina State University

12:00-1:05 LUNCH

SESSION 6 — Emerging Issues (1:05-3:10pm)
1:05-1:10 Introduction to Session 6
1:10-1:40 Robert Tanguay—Oregon State University
1:40-2:10 Jared Goldstone—Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2:10-2:40 John Rawls—Duke University
2:40-3:10 John Colbourne—The University of Birmingham

3:10-3:30 Break

Workshop Summary Discussion and Closing Remarks (3:30 – 5:00pm)